Additional information
DIMENSIONS135 x 66 x 82 cm
STRUCTUREHigh resistant Steel tube of 3 mm thick, laser cut for more precision and welded by robotized process.
PADDEDHigh density Leather simile, perspiration resistant, antibacterial and antiallergenic with special high density foam interior.
REGULATORSDifferent positions numbered with indicator of the angle of inclination and length.
PAINTING PROCESS7 layers of paint. 3 layers of protection and 4 of painting. Steel pickling and stabilized by immersion of the parts in different degreasing solutions to ensure a perfect and complete cleaning of the base material. Antioxidant primer to ensure adequate isolation of internal oxidation and good paint adhesion. 2 final coats of epoxy polyester powder paint, dried at 240ºC.
DESIGN PROCESSErgonomic and biomechanical study under our associatedProfessional’s supervision and by professional athletes. After a long design process; from the drawing of the sketch, engineering research, prototypes making, and tested by Professionals athletes our products are released to the market.
OTHERSMobile pieces ST52 Steel calibrated, beveled and mechanized.
TRANSPORTHandle and wheels for easy transport.